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Lecker Lava

Bon appetit! On the menu tonight is the speciality of the house and the little dragons’ favourite dish: tasty lava direct from the source, a freshly erupting volcano. The game box cleverly conceals this volcano: there is a crater at the top where players can roll …

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Villa der Vampire

It’s time for the vampire party. But what’s that? The vampires are still asleep! Only one thing can help – a bit of garlic in their graves to wake them up. Players can use vampire bats like hockey sticks, to try and get the cloves of …

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Biss 20

Of course, everyone can count. But it’s difficult to say where exactly the difficulty lies in this game. That’s because after every successful round, another number between 1 and 20 is linked to a new task card. In every subsequent round, the number is replaced by …

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Each player starts with the same number of cards in a face-down deck in front of them, depicting differently-coloured animals. On your turn, you play the top card of your deck face-up onto one of three discard piles. Then you need to call out the characteristic …

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Broomstick, magic wand and shining amulet – the scatterbrained witch has lost all of her things in the magical forest. As speedy forest sprites, the players help her in her search. To do this, ever-changing teams of two children sit opposite each other, reveal an objective …

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Die geheimnisvolle Drachenhöhle

When the little dragon Edgar lights up with joy then the children playing will too! Because that means they’ve managed to help him in his search for treasure. You’ll need to find six jewels in this mysterious cave. Which ones exactly are determined by two tiles …

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Der verzauberte Turm

The sinister sorcerer Ravenhorst has locked up the princess in the tower and hidden the key somewhere in the forest. However, Brave Robin has already begun to search for it: does the key lie under a rock or is it hidden between flowers? In this three-dimensional …

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Linus, der kleine Magier

Casting of spells needs practise and patience! Little Linus really ought to practice some more, because he accidentally hexed some of his toys. But which ones? The ball, the bat or the cat? Thirty different toy tiles are laid out on the table, with eighteen matching …

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Die kleinen Nachwuchshexen veranstalten ein Wettrennen: Hoch hinaus geht es für sie, bis zur obersten Turmspitze des Hauses. Das dürfen sie eigentlich nicht. Entsprechend zickig stellen sich ihre Zauberbesen an. Der Besen aus Holz in dem Spiel ist nämlich magnetisch. Und die Scheiben, mit denen die …

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