Each player starts with the same number of cards in a face-down deck in front of them, depicting differently-coloured animals. On your turn, you play the top card of your deck face-up onto one of three discard piles. Then you need to call out the characteristic which is seen most frequently: either the type of animal or colour. But there are exceptions. “Nothing” is the call when the creatures have nothing in common. But if there are two equally frequent characteristics, that’s called a Dodelido. Sound confusing? Well it is, but it’s beastly good fun – in the truest sense of the word. The object is to be the first to get rid of all your cards. But with each mistake this goal gets further away, as you have to pick up all discarded cards.

by Jacques Zeimet
Drei Magier
for 2 to 6 players
Age indication: from 8
Entry: low
Duration: approx. 20 minutes
Price: approx. 10 €