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Keine Chance für die Seuche der Langeweile. Themenspiele sind vereinfachte Modelle der Wirklichkeit. Kaum eines hat in jüngster Vergangenheit einen derart aktuellen Realitätsbezug erreicht, wie das Kooperationsspiel „Pandemie“. Bei Spielbeginn sind an verschiedenen Orten der auf dem Spielplan abgebildeten Welt bereits Seuchen ausgebrochen; und sie werden sich …

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Love Letter

You’ve fallen for the princess! Players try to get close to members of the royal court who will deliver love letters to their beloved. On your turn, you’ll choose one of two hand cards and use the action of the character played. So the priest allows …

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The traders of Istanbul have their sights set on rubies.They can collect the jewels by trading goods and earning money with the help of their four assistants. Haggling at the tea house or at the black market is of course a part of it as well. …

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The life of a craftsperson in the middle ages was one thing above all else: Gilded. If you wanted to make something of yourself in your profession, you had to join the local guild. This is also true for the players in “Guildhall” – a tactical …

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Players are in pursuit of prestige in 15th century Strasbourg. They can increase this by sending family members to guilds and to the city council. There, using a bit of luck and a lot of strategic skill, they have to make their influence count. The key …

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