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Im Wandel der Zeiten – Das Würfelspiel – Bronzezeit

Im Wandel der Zeiten – Das Würfelspiel – Bronzezeit

Every new civilisation springs from modest beginnings: beginning with only three dice, goods and food must be collected and buildings constructed. Acquired goods aren’t marked on a game board, like usual, but rather on a wooden peg board. The excitement lies in which tactics players use to advance their civilisation: hiring workers allows you to construct monuments, which are worth valuable victory points. Or you can make new cities spring up out of the ground and thereby increase the number of available dice. But be careful: with each new city your food requirements increase, and whoever can’t feed their citizens gets disaster points. To protect themselves from these disasters – or just to get points – players can purchase developments and mark them on their scoreboards, which also act as a kind of rule book.

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