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Ten cards per player. That’s all it takes to fight epic battles with gigantic creatures in this head-to-head card game. As a magical monster summoner you will decide each round to either send a creature onto the battlefield or use a creature already there to attack …

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Bier Pioniere

From Oktoberfest to Bierkellers, everyone knows the Germans have always loved their beer. So opening a brewery in Germany in the early 1900s seems like a solid business prospect. In ‘Bier Pioniere’ you’ll take on the role of those early pioneers of beer: placing your staff …

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Spring is coming. In ‘Botanicus’ players are creating their own botanical garden and want to meet their visitors’ very specific demands regarding the plants they want to see there. That’s why they pay for their gardener to travel all around the garden, planting and watering plants …

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Arche Nova (Ark Nova)

Modern zoos no longer prioritise their human visitors but rather focus mainly on animal welfare and sustainability. “Ark Nova” allows us to set up and manage a wildlife park based on our own ideas and values. Alongside animal breeding programmes, the construction of enclosures on park …

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Mischwald (Forest Shuffle)

The centre of the table becomes a forest clearing and players all build their own unique forest around it. Eight species of tree can grow here: from maple to birch, pine to chestnut. Players can place animal cards on each of these trees, as long as …

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Olympia vs. Sparta, Corinth vs. Thebes: In “Khôra: Rise of an Empire”, seven ancient city states go head to head in military and cultural competition. In the struggle for power and glory, each nation has its own individual strengths that need to be used skilfully. What’s …

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Humans need rituals. They give us support, remind us that we’re not alone and create a feeling of solidarity, especially in times of difficulty. ‘Ritual’ transforms this experience into a game. Players swap coloured runes with each other to try and fulfil their own personal collection …

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Not a lot of people know that witches and warlocks can lose their supernatural powers. In “Witchstone”, players have to try and stop this by proving their abilities in various magical disciplines, renewing the energy field of the legendary Witschstone. Players compete to make the best …

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Council of Shadows

Which one of us will be admitted to the mysterious galactic Council of Shadows? Players secretly plan their actions by playing cards onto their personal tableaus. More powerful actions cost significantly more energy – the game’s most important resource. Your energy marker needs to catch up …

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