Modern zoos no longer prioritise their human visitors but rather focus mainly on animal welfare and sustainability. “Ark Nova” allows us to set up and manage a wildlife park based on our own ideas and values. Alongside animal breeding programmes, the construction of enclosures on park grounds and, of course, financing the park through sponsorship, there are other things to consider, like the relationship to international partners, university research projects and animal protection programmes. Only by balancing the attraction of a modern zoo with the demands of sustainable animal protection will you be able to win this challenging management simulation. With just five basic actions, the rules are thematically accessible and easy to understand and the game develops an enormous depth over time, thanks to over 200 cards and a clever timing mechanism.

by Mathias Wigge
for 1 to 4 players
Age indication: from 14
Entry: very difficult
Duration: 90 to 150 minutes
Price: ca. 65 Euro