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Next Station London

There’s just one thing you’ll need to reach your next stop in “Next Station London” and that’s the whole underground network! Players will use four coloured pencils to connect stops on their map sheets, rebuilding the London underground. Each round, a new card determines which type …

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7 Wonders: Architects

The seven wonders of the ancient world stand at the heart of “7 Wonders: Architects”. Up to seven players will each manage the construction of one of these projects. Although it’s not strictly historically accurate, they all do so at the same time. There’s stiff competition …

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My Gold Mine

With great risk comes great reward. That’s the motto of “My Gold Mine”. Players take on the role of brave dwarves, searching for hidden hoards of gold in a dangerous dungeon. Unfortunately the expedition has awoken the resident dragon and they’ve made it mad! Each round …

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Fluffy Valley

There’s a lot to do when winter approaches and the prairie dogs need to collect supplies. Grain, berries and honey need to be stored in the burrow’s pantry. To achieve this, the prairie dogs are placed in different spaces each round. That’s where these fluffy fellows …

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An acropolis is the highest area of an ancient city. So obviously, playing “Akropolis” you can stack your puzzle tiles on top of one another and not just lay them side by side. The higher the stack, the more points it is worth. But only if …

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Help, the monsters are loose! 54 unique creatures are bustling around the centre of table. Some monsters are yellow, others are red, some have six eyes, others have sharp teeth and horns. There are 12 such characteristics which define this wild bunch but each monster has …

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Voll verwackelt

If you want to harvest the tasty coconuts, you’ll need to climb up high – a very shaky business. Nevertheless, the lion, giraffe, elephant and zebra will give it a try. They’ll attempt to scramble up a palm tree, which is also standing on a shaky …

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Deploying game pieces, building towers, moving towers around: this abstract, strategic game for two players follows known patterns but breaks with the typical rules for such moves. Paramount for the range of a move is not the number of pieces with which the moving tower is …

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