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“Goal!” You’ll be able to hear this cry regularly during this wooden table football game. But this particular goal has no posts or crossbar; it’s simply a hole into which the ball needs to roll. And that’s why instead of “goal!” you might instead hear “klack”. …

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The chickens are hanging out on their perch. Some are just sitting there, others are on hay bales or wagon wheels. All in all it’s a pretty precarious situation and your job is to clear the perch, piece by piece. “Chickyboom” is one of these rare …

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Burg Schlummerschatz

In the dead of night, twelve guards keep watch over the castle’s precious treasure. But it’s not for nothing that it has the nickname Sleepy Castle: the guards often like to take a little nap on the job. The crafty thieves know this all too well. …

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Sag’s mir! Junior

20 cards with 20 illustrations and two rounds in which to convey the related concepts to your teammates, all against the clock. That’s the core of “Sag’s mir! Junior.” An adult player starts: drawing 20 of the game’s 220 cards, turning the sand timer over and …

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Schau mal! Was ist anders?

Was the dolphin jumping out of the water or into it? Was the traffic light red or green? Wasn’t the snowman wearing sunglasses? Was it a long or short pencil? 32 playing cards show an almost identical symbol on each side. Depending on the number of …

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Die Legende des Wendigo

It can be terrifying sitting around the campfire late at night telling scary stories. 32 scouts have come together, fat and thin, boys and girls, with a hat or a cap. They all look very different and somehow very similar. What they don’t know: the evil …

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Linus, der kleine Magier

Casting of spells needs practise and patience! Little Linus really ought to practice some more, because he accidentally hexed some of his toys. But which ones? The ball, the bat or the cat? Thirty different toy tiles are laid out on the table, with eighteen matching …

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Im Schlamm suhlen und jede Borste schmutzig machen: In diesem kurzweiligen und lustigen Kartenspiel veranstalten die Spieler eine wahre Sauerei. Wer verwandelt seine anfangs blitzblanken Schweine als Erster in Drecksäue? Matschkarten sind der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Doch es ist gar nicht so einfach, seine Tiere verdreckt …

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Captain Kidd

Der legendäre Captain Kidd und seine Crew steuern mit ihrem Piratenschiff eine Schatzinsel an. Dort liegen jede Menge Schatztruhen, prall gefüllt mit Kostbarkeiten. Obendrauf glitzert jeweils ein dicker Edelstein in einer bestimmten Farbe. Das Problem: Der eine Pirat bevorzugt den roten Rubin, der andere den grünen …

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