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‘Harmonies’ evokes the interconnectedness of flora and fauna: the players’ main objective is to create landscapes out of round building tokens in order to attract animals. Each creature has their own specific idea of where trees, mountains and fields should be best located in relation to …

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Full board and lots of visitors: as nice as the zoo may be, the animals still want to escape. This mass animal jail break requires a certain number of the same type of tool, which you receive as a hand of playing cards. You can’t show …

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Trekking (Trekking Through History)

Island-hopping is a thing of the past. The future of tourism lies in visiting historically important events in time. Discuss the art of war over breakfast in 506 BCE with the Chinese general Sun Tzu, then take afternoon tea with Marie Curie in 1911, before enjoying …

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So Kleever! (So clover)

You have eight square cards, each with four different words, arranged randomly on a plastic four-leaf clover to make four unusual word pairings. You need to come up with an umbrella term that connects these pairs, without using translations, abbreviations or parts of the words. So …

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Sea Salt & Paper

From shark to shell, from boat to swimmer, maritime motifs abound in the small-box card collection game “Sea Salt & Paper”. The salt of the game is clear in the well-seasoned central mechanic. Players take turns drawing cards, some face-up, some face-down, trying to either collect …

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Trek 12: Himalaja

The Himalaya mountain range forms the unusual backdrop to this clever and tactical dice game, with famous locations such as Sarangkot serving as score sheets with various degrees of difficulty. Each round, players must roll two dice showing results between 0 and 6 and make a …

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Die magischen Schlüssel (Magic Keys)

A magical treasure chest stands in the centre of the table, drawing the attention of all the children present. They want to do just one thing: open the treasure chest to get the precious gems inside. But the keys are spread over a long path and …

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“Challengers” creates a real tournament atmosphere: up to eight coaches use decks of cards to build teams and set them against each other in a duel. For each fight, players will switch places around the table to face a new opponent. Defeated cards are sent to …

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