You have eight square cards, each with four different words, arranged randomly on a plastic four-leaf clover to make four unusual word pairings. You need to come up with an umbrella term that connects these pairs, without using translations, abbreviations or parts of the words. So for the combination of “apple” and “man” you might choose the clue “Adam”. But what could link the words “car” and “meat”? Once you’ve written words on all four sides of the dry-wipe clover board you shuffle the four cards together with a number of other cards chosen at random, depending on the difficulty level. Now the actual guessing game begins. All the other players have to use the clues written on the board to work out which of the twenty visible words, minimum, form the correct pair. Clever lateral thinking can help to find a solution, as the shape of the clover helps to rule out certain word pairs.

by François Romain
Repos Production
for 2 to 6 players
Age indication: from 12
Entry: medium
Duration: approx. 30 minutes
Price: ca. 23 Euro
Deviating information of the publisher: for 3 to 6 players at age of 10