from 13


Dune: Imperium

Based on the world-famous series of novels by Frank Herbert and visually inspired by the recent film adaptation from Denis Villeneuve, “Dune: Imperium” transports players to the desert planet Arrakis. Once there, they have to make the most efficient use possible of the valuable Spice and rare water resources while simultaneously striving for power and

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| Nominated for Kennerspiel des Jahres | 2022


It’s the late 19th century in London: Soothsayers and diviners meet to crown the best in their profession. The task is this: How many cards in each of the four colours are in the game? At the beginning, each participant knows only his hand of cards, as well as the maximum number possible per colour.

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| Recommendation list Spiel des Jahres | 2013

Tzolk’in – Der Maya-Kalender

The Mayan Calender captivates the players. Gearwheels connect five action sites on the board where Mayan cultures are developing. Due to the various sizes of the gearwheels, the workers placed upon them progress with different speeds. The further the workers rotate, the more valuable they become. However, the players would like to be involved with

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| Recommendation list Kennerspiel des Jahres | 2013


Dieses Spiel hätte genauso gut auf der Bestenliste stehen können, und das darf als Kompliment verstanden werden: Es ist nicht nur äußerlich attraktiv, sondern auch durch und durch spielbar. RA kommt aus der Schmiede des Mailänders Marco Donadoni und ist – wie könnte es 1981 anders gewesen sein – ein Taktikspiel für zwei Personen. Aus

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| Recommendation list Spiel des Jahres | 1981
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