Sit Down! / Pegasus Spiele

Magic Maze Kids

A kingdom for a frog! Literally: His Majesty has been turned into a frog and all he can do is sit and croak and ask you for help. So the Prince, Princess, Magician and Knight have to make their way into the forest to find ingredients for the witch’s cauldron to make the antidote. The

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| Recommendation list Kinderspiel des Jahres | 2019

Magic Maze

A wizard, a dwarf, an elf and a barbarian are in a shopping mall, looking to steal equipment for their next adventure. If they don’t want to get caught, they’ll need to be very quiet. For the players of this real-time, co-operative crime caper this means: no talking and no gesticulating! All players can move

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| Nominated for Spiel des Jahres | 2017
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