Spielend für Toleranz

“Spielend für Toleranz” – or Playing for Tolerance – is an initiative which has been attracting more and more attention. The “Spiel des Jahres” association supports this initiative and represents the ideals of our open and philanthropic society.

Playing games brings us together, it doesn’t divide us. It is an expression of absolute equality and creates a framework where we can come together, get to know one another and follow rules which are the same for everyone. Fairness, respect, equality: without these basic principles, no-one can have fun and everyone loses.

Unfortunately, these days there are some people who don’t abide by our conventions regarding behaviour at the gaming table. No, I don’t mean the small gaming table in my living room. But rather the big gaming table of life. In our society, racism and xenophobia are becoming increasingly more widespread, sometimes completely open or just badly disguised as “concerns”, and to such an extent that we would have thought impossible in our supposedly enlightened times. This is why the “Spiel des Jahres” association is taking a clear position against racism and xenophobia. The values that are so important to me at the gaming table are even more indispensable in real life. For the vocal minority, who stubbornly refuse to abide by these standards, I have just one answer: I won’t play with you! Not at the big gaming table nor the small one.

In Oberzent
„Spielend für Toleranz“ – playing with refugees

The “Spiel des Jahres” association is especially pleased that many games journalists and bloggers are supporting the initiative. Since Novemer 2018 those lead a number of local “Playing for Tolerance” events, supported by “Spiel des Jahres”, who have put together a service package for this purpose. This includes the latest Spiel des Jahres winner and board and card games which don’t require much talking and can be played without a deep knowledge of the German language. These games will provide a lot of fun and make it clear how important playing games can be in creating an atmosphere of tolerance and community.

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