If you want to re-enact Amerigo Vespucci’s voyage of discovery, you’ll need one thing above all else: A big table! That’s because this huge box is full of components, first of all a variable game board with land that we’ll discover with our ships before settling and cultivating. We’ll trade goods and protect ourselves from pirates – but what to do first? The innovative dice tower takes away some of the decision-making from us: The colours and the number of the pieces that come tumbling out determine which actions will be available next turn and how often. The decision is ours but it’s not easy, as we’ll often want to do several things at the same time. Our aim is to make good deals and to garner fame. The path to victory, from the game concept to the opulent execution, is an absolute pleasure.

by Stefan Feld
Queen Games
for 2 to 4 players
Age indication: from 12
Entry: advanced
Duration: approx. 90 minutes
Price: approx. 50 €