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Das tiefe Land

The farmlands on the North Sea coast are supposed to be protected by a dike. But will it be tall enough? It all depends on the unpredictability of nature and on the team spirit of the farmers there. In the strategy game Lowlands, players have to …

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Auf den Spuren von Marco Polo

Starting in Venice, players retrace “The Voyages of Marco Polo.” The shrewd navigators travel towards the east by camel, establish trading posts, gain goods and privileges, fulfil assignments and pursue their own personal goals. To control the action, every player rolls their own set of dice …

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Mit dem kärglichen Rest seines einst so stolzen Volkes hat man sich im Süden des unwirtlichen Finnland eingeigelt und harrt in den Bergbaugebieten Polens aus. Zwar hat man sogar die Geldwirtschaft entwickelt, aber damit offenbar auch die Dekadenz gefördert, was sich in einer rapide abnehmenden Bevölkerungszahl …

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