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Top Ten

Top Ten

On a scale of 1 to 10: how useful would gold-plated barbecue tongs be in a shipwreck? These are the absurd scenarios players are asked to contemplate in the creative party game “Top Ten.” To help guide you, all players each receive a secret number card with a value between 1 and 10. Players then take turns to say or act out a response to the current question. The chief for that round then has to try and put all the answers in the correct order. Is the broken air mattress really higher up on the scale of usefulness than the aforementioned barbecue tongs? And where would you put a rotten plank of wood? And from 1: absolute flop to 10: party of the century, where would you put your local social club compared to a Manhattan roof terrace? After a few rounds everyone has forgotten about counting victory points, which just shows how entertaining this creative and co-operative group effort is. It’s the variety and the absurdity of the questions that keep everyone laughing throughout. 

“Top Ten” is a guaranteed party winner. The well thought-out scenarios result in unbelievably creative answers and ideas from all players causing a huge range of emotions. Putting the responses in order, even when the numbers are very close together, creates a fantastic group feeling with lots of memorable moments that will keep you laughing for a long time.