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Schnappt Hubi!

Schnappt Hubi!

The cheeky ghost Hubi is always stealing the animals’ tasty treats. So the rabbit and the mouse have the same thought: the plan is to catch Hubi! The animals split up to search and make their way through the haunted house of this exciting electronic board game. Will they land in front of a passageway, a wall, a rabbit window, a mouse hole or even a magic door? A magical compass gives a voice to the other animals in the house, so they can keep giving helpful clues about where to find the invisible ghost. The built-in electronics in the compass and three difficulty levels ensure that every game is different. It’s an exciting co-operative game which needs good listening and communication skills.

Our short video

Jury statement
Everyone wants to visit Hubi’s haunted house! No-one can resist the magical atmosphere. Which is the right path? Who will catch Hubi? The need for tactical thinking, sensible discussions and good listening skills make this game something special and different every time. The built-in electronics aren’t there for their own sake but support the whole experience and intelligently lead the players through the game. It’s an experience that will excite children and adults equally.