In the valley of the fire dragon something big is brewing – at any moment the mighty volcano Rubino could erupt and shoot out precious rubies. According to legend, whoever feeds his dragon with these rubies will make it invincible. So the brave dragon-riders are circling over the mountain, trying with tactical skill and lucky dice rolls to collect as many of the coveted jewels as possible. The two-part metal crater in the middle is continuously filled with little red plastic stones. As soon as a player rolls the symbol “volcanic eruption”, he lifts the top part up and the jewels roll out onto the game board. Whoever uses their turns wisely to snatch the most rubies or to swipe the stones collected by the other players, will come out on top at the end of this exciting competition.

by Carlo Emanuele Lanzavecchia
for 2 to 4 players
Age indication: from 5
Entry: medium
Duration: approx. 20 minutes
Price: approx. 30 €
Our experience: from 6 years and approx. 30 minutes