Ding dong, your elixir is here! Anyone who’s anyone in the world of wizardry lets speedy witches or bearded druids deliver freshly-brewed potions straight to their door. The players assume the role of one of these flying delivery services on the hunt for points and magic wands. Every round they choose four out of ten different roles, in order to produce potions and deliver them to castles. Each card shows an action which has two types: brave or cowardly. The brave action is more rewarding but also riskier: a later player may steal it away from you. Is it better to play it safe, choose the cowardly option and be satisfied with less? “Broom Service” is a trick-taking game which rewards planning, intuition and brave (and sometimes cowardly) play.
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To be courageous or cowardly? This question runs through a game of “Broom Service” like a red thread. You constantly have to decide whether you want to take a risky but much more profitable action or whether you prefer to be cautious and take the safe option, creating a real sense of tension and excitement. Breaking an opponent´s spell and removing their tactical advantage can lead to truly magical moments. Especially nice: additional advanced variants add even more variety.