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Auf den Wegen von Darwin (In the Footsteps of Darwin)

Auf den Wegen von Darwin (In the Footsteps of Darwin)

Following in the footsteps of the well-known naturalist, you are competing to be the ultimate DarWinner. Players sail around the table in Darwin’s ship the ‘Beagle’ to discover new species of animals. The little wooden ship travels around a display made up of nine tiles. They are either animals or helpful historical figures. You can take a tile from either the row or the column where the ‘Beagle’ is currently anchored and add it to your research notebook. This fun and entertaining game ends when each player has collected twelve tiles. There are multiple ways to gain victory points: for especially interesting animals, for successful specialisations in geographic areas or animal classes and for collected publications.


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Jury Statement

‘In the Footsteps of Darwin’ combines a clear, coherent and easily explained set of rules with an overwhelmingly joyful implementation of the theme. The game’s short turns, which nevertheless give the player lots of options, feel rewarding and increase the game’s replayability. The beautiful components help to entice new research crews aboard the ‘Beagle’.