Hipp Hopp Hippo

Across the river and over to the bananas on the other bank – the monkeys know that the quickest route is to take the Hippo-Express. In “Hipp Hopp Hippo”, the monkeys jump straight in but sometimes a hippo will disappear under the water, then the monkeys have to return to the riverside empty-handed. A pushing mechanic adds a layer of interest to this race game: the swimming beasts are pushed onto the game board through a gap in the side, you can only see them under the clear plastic of the racetrack. If you have a really good memory, you can maybe recall which hippo is going to appear next. Otherwise you have to put your faith in your luck rolling dice: they determine how far the member of your monkey family can jump and where new hippos will get pushed onto the game board. There are bananas waiting as a reward – as well as lots of wet and wild fun.

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